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Recensioni dalle famiglie ospitanti

Denise ha 1 recensione

  • Marzo 2019

    Denisse and Mauro have been in Havana for several days and have left a beautiful mark on our hearts. My wife Lourdes could not be accompanied by health problems but she has known about the sympathy, the joy and the kindness of these special guests. We always find the time to talk about many topics related to the history, culture and customs of our peoples and countries. We really enjoyed those extensive conversations in which a particular empathy was generated. But also, we advise them for their stay in other cities of the Island, recommending other family homes and the best way to move from one city to another. Mauro and Denisse are people of great human values. Always always…. We are going to wish you to return to our house. To them, we wish them the best things and many successes in their life and future plans. To Homestay, thank you for giving us the opportunity to meet such valuable people.

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