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Il prossimo viaggio

Antoine non ha viaggi futuri.

Viaggi precedenti

Antoine ha gia' soggiornato presso 4 homestay.

Ho soggiornato a Ottobre 2017
Tehran - Iran

Incontra Mostafa

Alloggio homestay con Mostafa in ,
Ho soggiornato a Ottobre 2017
Kashan - Iran

Incontra Ali

Alloggio homestay con Ali in ,
Ho soggiornato a Ottobre 2017
Isfahan - Iran

Incontra Isaac

Alloggio homestay con Isaac in ,
Ho soggiornato a Ottobre 2017
Yazd - Iran

Incontra Elaheh

Alloggio homestay con Elaheh in ,

Recensioni dalle famiglie ospitanti

Antoine ha 2 recensioni

  • Ottobre 2017

    He expected me to provide him car park .we live in an appartment and have just one parking space for ourself not for guests. Also he think that we are not trustable. And keep his stuff in his car not in the room. He is pre intermediate tourist and isn't experienced enough how to communicate to others.

  • Ottobre 2017

    They were really nice. we had nice time with them. All the best for you

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