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Il prossimo viaggio

Theresa non ha viaggi futuri.

Viaggi precedenti

Theresa ha gia' soggiornato presso 2 homestay.

Ho soggiornato a Agosto 2018
Lincoln - United Kingdom

Incontra Debra

Alloggio homestay con Debra in ,
Ho soggiornato a Ottobre 2017
Saint Leonards - United Kingdom

Incontra Anne Marie

Alloggio homestay con Anne Marie in ,

Recensioni dalle famiglie ospitanti

Theresa ha 2 recensioni

  • Agosto 2018

    Great experience. Lots of stories she told. Would welcome them back if they requested in the future

  • Ottobre 2017

    It was a pleasure to have Theresa and Dave come and stay with us.
    They had a full itinerary of events to see whilst they stayed with us.
    When we had the opportunity to catch up it was great to have a chat with them both.
    We hope that Theresa and Dave will come and stay with us again when they are in our neck of the woods. We would love to see them again.

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