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Il prossimo viaggio

Wouter non ha viaggi futuri.

Viaggi precedenti

Wouter ha gia' soggiornato presso 2 homestay.

Ho soggiornato a Novembre 2022
Mahabalipuram - India

Incontra Liz

Alloggio homestay con Liz in ,
Ho soggiornato a Luglio 2017
Ubud - Indonesia

Incontra Oples

Alloggio homestay con Oples in ,

Recensioni dalle famiglie ospitanti

Wouter ha 2 recensioni

  • Novembre 2022

    Wouter is one of the nicest people to have stayed with me. Gentle and a kind soul. It was so good to share some interesting conversations with him. Looking forward to his next visit soon.

  • Luglio 2017

    Five hearts rating is never enough, even nine hearts for Wouter. We dont feel like hosting him, but we found our new brother. Extremely recommended, to host 'Wouter'...!!! Wait for you to come home brother....

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