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Reviews from hosts

Tom has 3 reviews

  • 六月 2022

    O Tom é um ser humano impecável. Muito educado, hiper atencioso e organizado, adorei a experiência de hospeda-lo, desejo que futuramente possa recebe-lo, mais vezes e desejo a ele muito boa sorte e sucessos.
    Tom is an impeccable human being. Very polite, hyper attentive and organized, I loved the experience of hosting him, I hope that in the future I can receive him, more often and I wish him good luck and success.

  • 八月 2020

    Great guest. Really polite and reliable. I'm having a great experience.

  • 四月 2019

    Tom is a very easy going guest, tranquile and clean. Very nice to talk with. i really recomend him to the homestay comunity.
