Hello, I'm Emma
开朗, 乐于助人, 友好
Hello, I would be studying a short term course at University of Toronto. I would be happy to participate in activities if host invites me since I would love to have good communication with host and learn Canadian culture. If host is busy, it would also be ok as I would love to be busy with University Study and exploring Canada. I do care about privacy and respect others as well. :) Have a nice day!
- 国籍
- Myanmar
- 性别
- 女性
- 年龄范围
- 25 - 34
- My favourite place I've travelled to
- 伦敦,英国
- Places I would love to visit 加拿大魁北克尼亚加拉大瀑布,在加拿大纽约,纽约,美国多伦多,ON,加拿大
- 电子邮件
- 手机号
Reviews from hosts
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