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Next trip

Wesley has no upcoming trips.

Past trips

Wesley has previously stayed in 2 homestays.

Stayed in 一月 2018
La Habana - Cuba

Meet Malinalli

Stayed in 十二月 2017
Santiago - Cuba

Meet Manuel


Reviews from hosts

Wesley has 2 reviews

  • 一月 2018

    Wesley was not a good guest for us. No serious and informal. Not trustable.

  • 一月 2018

    Wes, más que un huésped, un amigo. Pasamos juntos unos dias fabulosos y además juntos esperamos el fin de año. Dió un excelente concierto en la terraza. Es un músico maravilloso. Esperamos verlo en un futuro próximo.

    Wes, more than a guest, a friend. We spend some fabulous days together and also together we look forward to the end of the year. He gave an excellent concert on the terrace. He is a wonderful musician. We hope to see you in the near future

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