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Next trip

Kim has no upcoming trips.

Past trips

Kim has previously stayed in 4 homestays.

Stayed in 十一月 2017
Ciego De Avila - Cuba

Meet Baby

Stayed in 十一月 2017
Cienfuegos - Cuba

Meet Julio Cesar

的Julio Cesar寄宿家庭
Stayed in 十一月 2017
Viñales - Cuba

Meet Arian

Stayed in 十一月 2017
La Habana - Cuba

Meet Alejandra


Reviews from hosts

Kim has 3 reviews

  • 十一月 2017

    Kim and her friend were wonderful guests very quiet and friendly, I hope you have felt at ease in my house. I recommend it to all hosts.

  • 十一月 2017

    Para nuestra familia fue una experiencia expectacular tener a Kim y Lesley en nuestra casa. Son unas jovenes muy educadas,conversadoras. Son excelenes viajeras y muy buenas huespedes. Se las recomiendo a todos los anfitriones de homestay.com. Les aseguro que con ellas en casa van a tener una muy buena experiencia.

  • 十一月 2017

    Really nice girls!! I really appreciate their staying at my hostel. Thank you so much my friends. I hope you come back soon. Regards, Alejandra
