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Laura ficou anteriormente alojado com 1 anfitrião

Ficou em Julho 2017
Bunclody - Ireland

Conheça Juan

Família anfitriã Juan em ,

Comentários dos anfitriões

Laura tem 3 comentários

  • Julho 2017

    Laura and Scott are truly such a lovely couple all round.Their politeness and manners along with a great personality make them a really likeable people.They are friendly,funny and well-educated.We enjoyed being with them,our chats and many laughs.It was a pleasure having them with us as they are such a wonderful guests.

  • Julho 2017

    Two lovely Australians that stayed with us for one night. So friendly and courteous. Would highly recommend them as guests

  • Julho 2017

    We enjoyed the visit very much. Lots of laughter.

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