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Isabelle ha alojado con 1 familia anfitriona

Stayed in enero 2018
Kingston - Jamaica

Conoce a Zanabe

Familia anfitriona de Homestay Zanabe en ,

Reseñas de familias de acogida

Isabelle tiene 1 comentario

  • enero 2018

    Wow! It was fantastic hosting Isabella we know each other from hosting her in 2014 /2015/2016 with her entire family but this time in 2018 was really special to us to have her here at this time of the year.. it was like she bought back Christmas with all the joy and love ..she have extended her stay with me so we are currently planning on heading down to the big reggae festival (Rebel salute) its will be her frist time at the festival but I am very sure she will have a blastthanks very mush homestay for making it all possible.

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