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Nout se alojó anteriormente con 4 familias de acogida

Stayed in julio 2018
Isfahan - Iran

Conoce a Mohamad

Familia anfitriona de Homestay Mohamad en ,
Stayed in agosto 2017
Shiraz - Iran

Conoce a Behnam

Familia anfitriona de Homestay Behnam en ,
Stayed in julio 2017
Isfahan - Iran

Conoce a Mohamad

Familia anfitriona de Homestay Mohamad en ,
Stayed in julio 2017
Mashhad - Iran

Conoce a Shahrzad

Familia anfitriona de Homestay Shahrzad en ,

Reseñas de familias de acogida

Nout tiene 3 reseñas

  • julio 2018

    What can I say about lovely Nout and his friend. Two lovely educate nice guys who gave me a wonderful time and tasted me the meanings of friendship. I had my best moments with them in isfahan and so glad to have found two true friends

  • agosto 2017

    I think he wanted to abuse his host and get every thing free. A little bit two face man, when they left they were happy and said every thing was ok. According to the Nout reservation I should host Nout and her mother for 3 nights, but they cancelled one night. According to the house rules,they should paid 20 percent of total booking ( thats means I cant host anyone on the cancellation date),but I didnt accept the cancellation rate. ( I dont know why he didnt cancelled it online). They booked our cheapest room but I gave them our biggest room ( which was more expensive) for 1 night with the price of small room( because it was vacant but for the second night I hosted a couple from Singapor). I dont have check in and check out time that completely show I am not money interested. They just paid 50 euros for 3 days. Which according to the website they shouod paid 76 euros. I think he wanted every thing free. I transfered them to Persepolis snd guide them and even paid for the entrance ticket with a fair price. Also transfer them to airport with cheap price ( I offered him to take a taxi if he want but he said we would like to go with me, they knew it was cheaper). He bargained a lot, which really annouy me a lot. I think he should be a business man not a history teacher. They left at 4 p.m which means they stayed 3 days.I think if he was enough gratful he should rank 6 out of 5 not 3 hearts. Also he just pay a salad for me.Thank you Nout for it.

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  • agosto 2017

    Nout and his kind mother were awesome, They are very considerate and kind and good guests, we visted around Isfahan and had good conversations with them, my parants fell in love with his kind mother, hope to see them again

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