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Die nächste Reise

Alexandre hat keine anstehenden Reisen.

Vergangene reisen

Alexandre war zuvor bei 1 Gastfamilie geblieben

Ich war im April 2018
Tehran - Iran

Treffen Sie Alireza

Homestay-Gastfamilie Alireza in ,

Bewertungen von Gastfamilien

Alexandre hat 1 Bewertung

  • Mai 2018

    I absolutely enjoyed the company with Alexandre. A great frind of mine who has lots of information about everything. Very well behaved, experienced, bright and smart person. Fun to be around. Organized. Clean....
    I definitely and strongly suggest to have Alexandre as your guest in your homestay. You will love the days you spend with him and you will learn a lot from him.
    I miss you already and I am very exited to meet You again and enjoy my breakfast and talk about different things with you.

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