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我在伦敦市中心的一栋带私人后花园的房子里有一间可爱的双人房。威斯敏斯特自治市镇。安装了安全警报器 (ADT) 该物业靠近诺丁山门、波多贝罗路市场、韦斯特菲尔德购物中心、肯辛顿大街和牛津广场。
另一位主人是我友善的波斯猫 Odette。奥黛特对自己保密。
关于该地区的更多信息:这是一个安全的社区,有许多餐饮场所、咖啡馆、熟食店和各种商店、餐馆、酒吧和房地产经纪人,以及包括稀有唱片和古董在内的更多专卖店。 Lexi Cinema 距离我家只有几分钟的步行路程,这是一家漂亮舒适的小电影院,放映最好的电影,还有一个酒吧。在我路的尽头有一家可爱的咖啡馆,Vicky's,提供美味的食物、早餐、午餐和素食。你可以堂食或外卖。一个全新的高科技体育中心将于 2018 年夏季在马路对面开放!
接机服务:单程 70.00 英镑
1 猫
- 花园
- 电视
- 网络连接
- 烟雾报警器
- 简单早餐
- 使用厨房
• 付款方式:请注意,我们要求房客在预订前向我们支付预订总额的 25% 以保留您的房间(在支付给 Homestay.com 的 15% 服务费之外)
• 取消政策:我们要求客人至少提前 7 天通知我们任何取消。任何晚于此的取消将不予退还。
支付方式:PAYPAL 详情请咨询房东
3 评价
九月 2014
I've been to Sandra for 3 weeks, the house is clean and tidy, you have the opportunity to cook and free access to the entire house ... the room is very comfortable and Sandra is a very private person, but does not hold back if you want to talk about a bit ... about the area, there is a small supermarket 2 minutes walk away and a supermarket to 10 minute walk (or 3 minutes by bus) ... the metro is just 5 minutes by bus and it's also overground ...
If I was to return to London would definitely go back to Sandra.Sono stato da Sandra per 3 settimane, la casa è pulita e ordinata, si ha la possibilità di cucinare e libero accesso a tutta la casa… la camera è molto confortevole e Sandra è una persona riservata, ma non si tira indietro se volete parlare un po… riguardo la zona, c’è un piccolo market a 2 minuti a piedi e un grande market a 10 minuti a piedi (o 3 minuti col bus)… la metro è a solo 5 minuti di autobus ed è anche overground…
Se dovessi ritornare a Londra ritornerei sicuramente da Sandra.十月 2013
Sandra is just perfect, everything is very good, the room is big and clean, the transport is very good. Sandra is just great person, and I probably book again with her. Français: Sandra est incroyable, tout est parfait, elle est très agréable, vous pouvez parler avec elle, le bus est à 2 minute, et la station de train à 5 - 7minute. Je vous la conseille vivement, je reviendrai sûrement chez elle !
七月 2013
I am writing this review because I really feel that I have to do it. The reason is that Sandra has been very nice with me since I contacted her. When things are good it is great to recommend them.
The room is big, very clean and with a tv. The bed is perfectly ok. comfortable and double size. The rest of the house is good as well. I have spent the most of the time in my room but Sandra allowed me to be in the sitting room and cook and she recommend me to spend some in the garden that she has in the back, and it is beautiful.
She is very respectful and gave me my space but she always was open to talk with and very patient as my English was not very good.
The first day I asked her for an iron and she bought a new one that day!
To be honest the only thing I would improve in the house if I were Sandra would be the internet connexion because the speed was not very fast. Anyway she told me that she was waiting for response from the provider because she was called it.
The fridge is good, she gave me my own department. The washing machine was the same, very good.
So in general, 8/10. The neighbourhood very safe, supermarkets in less than 3 minutes, public transport very good, I came here by bus and I have been using the overground every day for going to my office.
Trully recommended!
Good luck.For Spaniards: Muy recomendable. La casera es muy amable y respetuosa. La casa está muy bien y me he marchado simplemente porque he encontrado algo para más tiempo.
房东确认有空房后,您可以选择以下付款方式来支付 15% 的预订费(对于长期预订,最多可以支付 250 $£€):签证,万事达卡,美国式Express,Maestro,Laser,JCB和PayPal(在某些国家/地区不可用)。然后,您在抵达时或在房东的个人资料中注明并经您同意的房东上付款。如果房东要求预付款(如果其个人资料中未包含该费用),请谨慎选择。已告知我们的房东,如果他们希望请求预付款,则必须在其个人资料中明确注明。我们不建议您使用金钱克或西联汇款。