Written by Mary Plunkett

Glasgow hosts with an eye for culture in their city

When Tanja and John moved with their daughter Morgan to a bigger apartment in Glasgow, they decided to rent out their spare room on Homestay.com at the suggestion of ...

Written by Mary Plunkett

A homestay in Italy with Mia from UK Travel Room

When UK Travel Room blogger Mia Pebleton found out that her friend was getting married in Bologna she knew it was a trip she wanted to make. Bologna, in the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy is a stunning historic city but finding affordable accommodation, particularly at the height of...

Written by Mary Plunkett

Our local tips to discover the best of the USA

If you're looking for a travel destination that packs in metropolitan city life, the great outdoors, sun, sea and even snow, the United States is the destination for you. Travelling through the USA, you realise that...

Written by Mary Plunkett

Exploring East London with our artistic host Roy James

When we saw Roy James sign up as a host on Homestay.com we immediately knew that his home was somewhere special. Located just next to the trendy London Fields area of Hackney in East London, Roy’s home is a stylish penthouse apartment that reflects his own interests in art, culture and...

Written by Mary Plunkett

Top tips for InterRailing this summer

If you’re looking for a holiday on a budget, interrailing really is one of the best ways to get the most bang from your buck. Cheaper than a working holiday visa, interrailing tickets can be purchased for less than €200 with the most expensive month long ticket coming in...

Written by Mary Plunkett

Experiencing Ireland through a homestay

When Sebastian’s college offered him the chance to take an internship in Dublin, Ireland, he was keen to take them up on the opportunity. Sebastian, who is from Galicia in the north of Spain was conscious of price when it...

Written by Mary Plunkett

Classic style in Toronto with host Chantal

They say you can tell a lot about a person from their home. If this is true, then Chantal’s condo in Toronto definitely represents her interests and passion in literature and the arts. Situated about...

Written by Mary Plunkett

The 10 best markets for you to try when you travel

While most of us don’t have the luxury of doing our everyday shopping from a nearby market, they are a great place to get high quality products or something a bit out of the ordinary. They are also a great place to people watch and to get a sense of...

Written by Mary Plunkett

Hosting experts Liz and Mick tell us why they host

Liz and Mick know about hosting. Since they decided to welcome guests into their home in 2013 they haven’t looked back.

Written by Mary Plunkett

Cooking and culture with our host Elizabeth in Paris

You may already recognise Elizabeth. When the photos of her shoot came back we thought she had such a friendly face that we just had to put her on our homepage. When I spoke to Elizabeth about this blog post, I realised that she has such a deep and warm understanding...
