Written by Mary Plunkett

Places to visit in the UK that will let you appreciate the British countryside

Great Britain's landscape has a rugged beauty to it, captured and so accurately brought to life by some of the country's most famous writers and poets. The windswept moors of...

Written by Mary Plunkett

How to get comfortable travelling solo

Thinking about travelling alone for the first time? Homestay.com's expert guide will help you overcome your fears about solo travel and prepare for your trip.

Written by Mary Plunkett

9 different Chinatowns around the world to visit when you travel

One of the great things about travel is the way it allows you to explore other worlds, or more often than not, worlds within worlds. Visiting a new city gives you a...

Written by Mary Plunkett

Beautiful places in the Philippines: 15 chill out images that will make you want to travel

South-east Asia is the go-to spot for backpackers and with tropical weather, turquoise oceans and and year-round sunshine, it's not hard to see why...

Written by Mary Plunkett

Weekend getaways for an outdoor adventure

Long weekends for most people are a city break away, a visit to a friend in another location or a local getaway that’s not too far from home. Sometimes though you just need that little bit more from your weekend getaway, and there’s no better way to unwind than...

Written by Mary Plunkett

Spring Break 2016: ways to get away from the crowd

Spring break is a much-needed getaway and for most students a chance to relax, grab some sunshine and escape the humdrum of the library. Unfortunately, everyone has the same idea, and while most of us want to...

Written by Mary Plunkett

Great weekend getaways where you can explore the outdoors

Holidays are often the chance to escape, do something you love but never get enough time for, or perhaps try something new. For some that immersing themselves in gallery tours, for others it means sampling the local cuisine but for many people their main requirement...

Written by Mary Plunkett

EURO 2016 accommodation in France

Written by Mary Plunkett

Street food around the world: 16 images that will make you hungry

Street food has come into its own in recent years. What was once just a cheap way to grab a bite on the go has morphed into an altogether more stylish affair and now in cities all over the world food stands are popping up. For anyone...

Written by Mary Plunkett

New Year's Eve breaks: 13 city break destinations to celebrate 2016

New Year’s Eve is a funny event: often it can be anticlimactic so why not get away from it all? Here's 13 great cities in Europe where you can ring in the New Year.
