
Vilas  Ecológica
  • Recebe
  • Homens
  • Mulheres
  • Casais
  • Famílias
  • Estudantes

Localização: Hwy 50 e Cotrelle
10 minutos de distância do Air Port.
Top de ônibus em toda a casa.
20 minutos de ônibus do Humber College.
a uma curta distância da praça de compras.
Perto de todos os caminhos elevados.
2 quartos grandes, mobiliados.
Cozinha compartilhada apenas para luz (aquecendo comida principalmente) e área de serviço.lavagem somente no sábado ou domingo COM (1) APENAS UMA CARGA !
estamos procurando mulheres, homens e / ou estudantes.
Longo ou curto prazo
***O estacionamento é extra

Observe que
Não aceitamos casais e animais de estimação não permitidos.

**** Por favor, observe que reservas de 3 dias ou menos serão COBRADAS $ 50 por noite por causa de
Preparação na limpeza e seu processo.

*** Por favor, note que existem várias regras da casa que serão informadas no momento da chegada.

*** O horário de check-in é após as 15h

*** O horário de check-out é às 10h

Obrigado por sua cooperação.

Quartos disponíveis para reserva

A estadia mínima é de 7 noites

A estadia máxima é de 120 noites

Disponível para determinadas datas

Longa estadia? Se você tem uma programação recorrente em que os dias da semana não exigem acomodação, você pode desmarcar esses dias abaixo. Isso informará o anfitrião e reduzirá o preço da sua estadia.

room 1
Desde $30 por noite
Quarto de Solteiro
Dormem 1

Banheiro compartilhado (com a família / outros convidados)
1 Casal Bed

Quarto disponívelQuarto indisponível

Este quarto é grande com uma cama de casal, por favor leia abaixo.

  • Mesa e luminária
  • Ar condicionado
  • Cômoda/gaveteiro
  • Armário/guarda-roupa
  • Criado mudo / mesa de cabeceira
  • Carpete / Tapete
  • Espelho
 1 hóspede
Preço semanal
Preço mensal
Desde $30 por noite
Quarto de Solteiro
Dormem 1

Banheiro compartilhado (com a família / outros convidados)
1 Casal Bed

Quarto disponívelQuarto indisponível

Este quarto é um grande quarto duplo no andar superior com armário grande.

  • Mesa e luminária
  • Ar condicionado
  • Cômoda/gaveteiro
  • Armário/guarda-roupa
  • Criado mudo / mesa de cabeceira
  • Carpete / Tapete
  • Espelho
 1 hóspede
Preço semanal
Preço mensal
2 quartos
Desde $30 por noite
Quarto de Solteiro
Dormem 1

Banheiro compartilhado (com a família / outros convidados)
1 Casal Bed

Quarto disponívelQuarto indisponível

Esta sala é grande com uma cama de casal, a luz do sol vindo em frente ao Oriente.

  • Mesa e luminária
  • Ar condicionado
  • Cômoda/gaveteiro
  • Armário/guarda-roupa
  • Criado mudo / mesa de cabeceira
  • Carpete / Tapete
  • Espelho
 1 hóspede
Preço semanal
Preço mensal
Você selecionouDiáriasPreço da EstadiaTaxa de ReservaTotal

Sobre a Área

Nossa casa está localizada no lado norte da cidade, em um bairro tranquilo e seguro, estamos a 3 km do centro da cidade ea 15 minutos do aeroporto. Paragem de autocarro a 2 minutos a pé da casa e muitas rotas de ônibus.

Instalações na área local
  • Parque
  • Academia
  • Cinema
  • Biblioteca
  • Shopping center
  • Restaurante
  • Aeroporto
  • Ponto de ônibus
  • Hospital


Os anfitriões podem ou não oferecer um café da manhã simples de cortesia, a seu critério. Todas as outras refeições, incluindo um café da manhã completo, podem incorrer em um custo adicional, se oferecido. Refeições e qualquer pagamento adicional devem ser organizados diretamente com o seu anfitrião.

Incluido na estadia
  • Café Da Manhã Simples
  • Acesso à Cozinha

Regras da casa

Observe que qualquer reserva de hospedagem em casa de família deve seguir todas as regras estabelecidas pelo anfitrião.
1: Respeitem a privacidade uns dos outros
2:Você deve manter o quarto limpo e arrumado
3: O lixo colocado diariamente em recipiente adequado localizado na garagem será mostrado a você na chegada.
3: Banheiro e cozinha devem/devem ser limpos após cada uso, deixando-os do jeito que encontraram (ou seja, varrendo, mapeando
O balcão do fogão está limpo, a banheira, a pia e o vaso sanitário permanecem limpos o tempo todo.
Sem cozinhar muito, use a cozinha para preparar alimentos simples, principalmente para aquecer.
Evite comer no quarto, faça refeições na mesa de jantar.
Por favor, mantenha a geladeira sempre limpa se você derramar alimentos/bebidas na limpeza.
(4) Se você quebrar alguma coisa em minha casa, deverá substituí-la, grande ou pequena.
(6) apenas para ocupação individual.
Os hóspedes são responsáveis por comprar do anfitrião seus próprios alimentos e produtos de higiene pessoal que não devem ser usados, a menos que instruído de outra forma pelo anfitrião.
****Se você bebe ou consome cigarro ou qualquer outra substância, não reserve para vir aqui.
Observe que o cliente deve estar livre de covid-19
É necessário comprovante de teste. Não permito quarentena em casa.
Deve ser negativo antes da reserva.
Você está prestes a assumir muitas responsabilidades e cumprir todas elas
Escolhendo ficar na minha casa.
O respeito vai ao longo do caminho.
****Por favor, certifique-se de ler as regras da minha casa.
****Não são aceitos bebedores!!!
Somente indivíduos que trabalham e que ficam em casa todos os dias devem considerar não reservar. Procure outro lugar. Você deve estar fora de casa durante o dia
Isto é o que o anfitrião prefere.

Se o anfitrião tiver que entrar em seu quarto para qualquer reparo, um aviso prévio de 24 horas será dado antes de prosseguir.
O anfitrião lembrará os clientes das regras estabelecidas aqui, caso não sejam honradas pelos convidados.
Nossa casa é um lugar temporário para alguém ficar, por favor, não espere que o anfitrião limpe sua bagunça atrás de você.

Obrigada pelo comprometimento pois compartilhar é cuidar!!! Viva, ame e ria.

Sobre Fumantes

Seu anfitrião é não-fumante.

Não é permitido fumar.

37 comentários

  • Picture?ss=bah7cekicgdpzay6bkvussinz2lkoi8vahn0l0f2yxrhci8zodq1oda zxhwaxjlc19pbgy7afrjigxwdxjwb3nlbjsavekidgrlzmf1bhqgowbussipzxhwaxjlc19hday7afqw  fa739a8955a1f2dc1bdeacbdecd22b65a169ad68&style=small

    New Zealand
    Age 35 - 44

    4 corações
    Junho 2024

    She is very nice .to me.

  • Automated Post
    Maio 2024

    The host cancelled the booking 38 days before the arrival date.

  • Picture?ss=bah7cekicgdpzay6bkvussinz2lkoi8vahn0l0f2yxrhci8zodaxotc zxhwaxjlc19pbgy7afrjigxwdxjwb3nlbjsavekidgrlzmf1bhqgowbussipzxhwaxjlc19hday7afqw  065aa360447dbfa9143e890e4f493a18a7069367&style=small

    Age 75+

    5 corações
    Março 2024

    Chandra's home is immaculate. It was quiet so I was able to get a complete rest.

    The neighborhood is residential, with a proper sidewalk. I was able to park on her property directly in front of the house.

    Stores and restaurants are about 5 to 10 minutes away. I went to a local library.

    Chandra is an excellent hostess and anticipated my every need.

    I recommend her Homestay without reservation.

    Host reply
    Família anfitriã Chandra em ,

    Thank you, very much appreciated.
    Was a pleasure hosting you.

  • Graphic avatar placeholder

    South Korea
    Age 25 - 34

    1 coração
    Fevereiro 2024

    I've stayed as a homestay guest in various places around the world, including London, California, Vancouver, and Toronto. Having visited many homes, I am well aware of the manners and rules to live in homestays. However, this house has an excessive number of rules. The host incessantly nags and imposes rules on almost every action I take. Dealing with her at home is stressful, and adapting alone without friends or family in a foreign country is challenging enough, but she makes it impossible for me to relax even at home.

    Here are some unusual rules that differ from regular homestays. If you can endure these, stay here, it's probably impossible tho.

    1. Although there is a trash bin on the first floor in the kitchen, I cannot use it. She demands that I put my trash in a separate personal bag and throw it outside every time I want to dump something. Also a trash bin in the bathroom, it's purely decorative, and we cannot throw anything in it.
    2. She opens our room doors and gets in when we're not in our rooms, she said it's her house, so she can open it whenever she wants. No privacy at all.
    3. While we pay money, she refuses to provide anything, not even tissues. It's worse than a guesthouse.
    4. Laundry can only be done once a week during the weekend. Even if you slept at a friend's house over the weekend, you cannot do laundry on weekdays.
    5. Laundry and dryer settings can only be set to "normal." If you choose any other setting, she either turns it off without notice or yells at you.
    6. There’s CCTV in the living room where you can see the kitchen.
    8. She criticized me for turning on the bedroom lights and bedside lamp at night, claiming it results in high electricity bills. Let me use my room as I want. I paid.
    9. Even though I use the bathroom alone when there was no other guests, she demanded that I close the bathroom blinds. Even if I mentioned that I’m enjoying the outside view, she said she said I don’t need to see it. Small things with rules make life unbearable.

    In addition to countless other things she has said to me, writing them all is exhausting due to their sheer number. In conclusion, she will nag about EVERY SINGLE THING you do.

    If she doesn't like something, I get scolded, and new rules are imposed on me. Even though I paid my money, I always felt like I was living under her watch like Cinderella. Honestly, I don't know where the positive reviews are coming from.

    The main reason I left is..
    I informed her in advance about my overseas trip lasting about three weeks and my return date to this house. However, three days before my flight back to Toronto, she notified me that I couldn't use my room because she needed to invite her family for her birthday party. If she had informed me earlier that day is not available when I mentioned my return schedule, I could have adjusted my flight date or informed my company. However, because of her, I ended up being stranded for over a week without being able to go to work or find a place to stay urgently in Toronto.

    Leia mais »

    Host reply
    Família anfitriã Chandra em ,

    Dear Anna, I hope you are doing well, thanks for the lovely review, please note people who are like you make it very hard to want to continue being a host. You want to be treated like you are at the 10 star hotel with no obligation and no rules apply. I am sorry to say that's not what I am about, you should have carefully read everything on my home page before booking. However I did fulfill my obligations to you within the month you booked on homestay.
    You want to stay beyond your time and don't want to go through homestay. You try to cut corners to avoid paying homestay portions. You want to continue staying with me and therefore don't want any rules to be imposed on you. You forgot to mention all the good things I've done for you.
    You are ungrateful all because you want to have control over me in my own house. Respect goes a long way....good luck!

    Leia mais »

  • Picture?ss=bah7cekicgdpzay6bkvussinz2lkoi8vahn0l0f2yxrhci8znja3ntm zxhwaxjlc19pbgy7afrjigxwdxjwb3nlbjsavekidgrlzmf1bhqgowbussipzxhwaxjlc19hday7afqw  83a25d7fd1ed1a3081ec102e97d499b862f5c0c7&style=small

    Age 18 - 24

    5 corações
    Novembro 2023

    Chandra est très gentille, elle m’a parfaitement accueilli, j’ai passé un bon séjour grâce à elle. Merci pour ton hospitalité Chandra !

  • Picture?type=square&height=200&width=200

    Age 25 - 34

    1 coração
    Novembro 2023

    I don't know where to start!! This was my worst stay ever! Unfortunately I was deceived by positive comments, but the truth is something DIFFERENT !! My stay was full of Anxiety and frustration. She kept repeating to me that this is my house and not a hotel!!! hundreds of times!!! She was entering my room without inform me!!!!!, and when I prevented her from that and asked her to respect my privacy, but she refused and said, “This is my house I can do what I want !! ” She knock my door forcefully and ask me to go out to talk as if I were her child, shouted at me in a rude manner. She send me hundreds of messages while I was outside the house with my friends, ruins my mood and calling Hundreds of times about the dishes to put it in the shelf !!!! , it was very annoying and uncomfortable. My room was very hot. I asked her very kindly to turn on the air conditioning, but she refused. then she gave me a fan and when I used it one time she asked me to turn it off!! and said its cold outside!!! But I feel HOT in the room !!! she asked me to turn my room light off when I was inside the room !!!!!! every day she looks for something to bother me with !!!

    Leia mais »

  • Graphic avatar placeholder

    Age 35 - 44

    1 coração
    Outubro 2023

    To Whom it may concern:
    I want first start out by saying I wouldn’t even give this place a fourth of a star, when I got on this site I was in need for housing bad till my apartment was available. When I came upon this person from the air B & B I was very great full to her. But the old saying you get what you pay for is an understatement. This was a one room she rented out which was fine cause was it was temporary, but I think she was confused and thought I was her child. She didn’t list any rules of what she expecting then after paying she threw all these rules at me. I moved in and she told me that I couldn’t leave after 10pm or come and or she would lock me out. Then she would constantly yell and me for every thing. Then after getting settled in I notice she had the temperature set at 90 degrees which was insane. So I said ok went into my room and was going open my window and she had removed the turn knob so no one could open it up. That’s against fire code, I asked for it and refused. Then once I was in there she told I could only use kitchen once a day, excuse me three meals a day is normal. She wouldn’t allow me to use cups or anything. I have rented before they always let you use stuff as long as you clean and put it back. Then she told I can only do wash once a week. Then come to find out after she would leave the house and text me and demand me to do things and told me she had camera on me watching my every move, this isn’t what I signed up for. Then she went out of town she wanted me to babysit other tenants and texted me over 50 texts in one day. I was stuck and she knew I couldn’t leave and she would constantly be tell me her house her rules don’t like it I can leave. Like I said I have rented before and this isn’t right and something should be done. She doesn’t need be a renter if that’s how she’s going treat all of her guests, which is was like living in jail. Living at her place for the short time caused me so much anxiety and stress I was sick!

    Leia mais »

    Host reply
    Família anfitriã Chandra em ,

    Are you for real? I opened my house and welcome you in and this is what you have to say. If I have to write about all the indecent things you did I will not have room enough to say it all. I am so happy my journey with you has ended. I wish you nothing less than the best of luck. We have a saying,( do unto others as you will want them do to you ) so what you do you will reap.
    Good luck.

  • Acg8oclpf5rop8jvqfviuz5f nytajymnsv9ruvnnzd661fo=s96 c

    Age 35 - 44

    5 corações
    Setembro 2023

    Wonderful place, amazing host, everything really perfect! Thanks for all!

    Host reply
    Família anfitriã Chandra em ,

    It was a pleasure hosting you.
    Come back soon

  • Picture?ss=bah7cekicgdpzay6bkvussinz2lkoi8vahn0l0f2yxrhci8znjy0nji zxhwaxjlc19pbgy7afrjigxwdxjwb3nlbjsavekidgrlzmf1bhqgowbussipzxhwaxjlc19hday7afqw  4c5a940f2363b8d853fed35bc16f9f7178b2614c&style=small

    Age 55 - 64

    5 corações
    Setembro 2023

    La anfitriona fue amable en todo momento, siempre dispuesta a ayudar y hacer la estadía más grata.
    Toda la casa estaba impecable, todo muy limpio e higiénico.

    Host reply
    Família anfitriã Chandra em ,

    Thank you!

  • Aedftp5 xnazwstts4lxqpcnh63wfhsmvdioowhcavugeq=s96 c

    Age 25 - 34

    5 corações
    Maio 2023

    Very spacious room in a palacial house surrounded in a family neighborhood with palaces and parks all around. Host family are very enterprising and friendly!

    Host reply
    Família anfitriã Chandra em ,

    I enjoy hosting Deepak, he is a great guest very positive with great personality, easy going spirit. I will definitely recommend him to anyone hosting , will also welcome him back to my place again in the future.

Como faço para reservar?

Contate o anfitrião para checar se este está disponível para recebê-lo and também para perguntar sobre a estadia. Assim que o anfitrião confirmar a disponibilidade para as datas especificadas, você pode completar a sua reserva online.

Quando eu pago?

Assim que o anfitrião confirmar que eles estão disponíveis, você pode pagar a taxa de reserva de 15% (máximo de 250 $£€ para reservas de longo prazo). Métodos de pagamento para pagar a taxa de reserva: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Maestro, Laser, JCB ou PayPal (não disponível em alguns países). Você pode pagar ao seu anfitrião na chegada ou por acordo prévio.

Quando posso compartilhar meus detalhes de contato?

Os endereços de e-mail, números de telefone e endereço residencial do anfitrião e do hóspede serão trocados no e-mail de confirmação enviado a ambos após a reserva ser concluída. A troca direta de dados de contato entre hóspedes e anfitriões através de nosso sistema de mensagem é contra à nossa política.

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