How to Import AirBnb Calendar to Block Dates on Homestay allows you to keep your calendar updated with other platforms, such as AirBnb, Google Calendar and more.

This will allow you to automatically block your availability on if you receive a booking from AirBnb.

We refer to this feature as "Import Calendars" and it is based on a digital calendar format called ICAL.

Here's a video which shows the steps to follow to import your AirBnb calendar into Homestay. This will block dates on the Homestay calendar according to your AirBnb bookings. 

In order to import the AirBnb calendars you need to follow these steps:

  1. Log into your AirBnb host account
  2. Go to Hosting Dashboard


   3. Click Calendar


     4. Click Availability Settings


     5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Export Calendar”


     6. You will then be presented with a pop up as shown below, Copy the ICAL Url



     7.  Go to your Account

     8.  Click Calendar, and at the bottom click “Import New Calendar”


    9.   In the popup enter a name for the calendar, eg: “AirBnb Calendar” or "Airbnb room 1 calendar" and paste the ICAL Url you copied from the AirBnb account

   10.  Click “Save and Import”

The calendar should sync immediately and you should see dates blocked on your Homestay calendar according to bookings and unavailabilities set in your AirBnb account.

Please note that, if you have multiple listings set up in AirBnb - eg one for each room - you will have to repeat this process for each room.

The calendar will be automatically updated on a daily basis.

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