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What is's policy on extortion?
Reviews are a way for guests to share their experiences with the community. Any attempt to use reviews as a way to force other members to do things they aren't obligated to do is a misuse of reviews and we don’t allow it.
Guests are not allowed to threaten to use reviews or ratings in an attempt to force a host to provide refunds, additional compensation, or a reciprocal positive review.
Hosts are not allowed to require a guest to leave a positive review or rating, or to revise a review in exchange for a partial or full refund, or reciprocal review. The host also cannot offer a free or discounted stay in exchange for a guest revising an existing review.
If a guest contacts a host with a problem, the host should make every effort to resolve it. The host can't ask the guest to take specific actions related to a review in exchange for the resolution of the problem. After the issue is concluded, a host may ask the guest to leave a positive review or rating. A host may also ask a guest to revise a negative review provided certain time constraints are met.
Whether you are a guest or host, make sure you follow these guidelines. If you don't, you may be subject to a range of actions, including restrictions, suspension and/or termination of your account. By posting a review, you agree to follow the guidelines and policies that we may enforce in our sole discretion.
If you think you have experienced extortion, please report it to Homestay Support. Note that we will require evidence in the form of Homestay message threads, so we recommend communicating with your guest or host via our messaging system, even after a reservation is accepted.
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