Bonjour, je suis Paula
- Nationalité
- Ireland
- Sexe
- Femme
- Tranche d'âge
- 45 - 54
Vérification des invités
- Adresse email
- Numéro de téléphone portable
Prochain séjour
Paula n'a pas de séjour à venir.
Séjours passés
Paula a précédemment séjourné dans 3 familles d'accueil
J'ai séjourné en décembre 2016
Havanna - Cuba
Rencontrez Zenia Yamila
J'ai séjourné en novembre 2016
Trinidad - Cuba
Rencontrez Andrea
J'ai séjourné en novembre 2016
Habana - Cuba
Rencontrez Tatiana
Despite the fact that one of the doorframe fittings fell off during the night with a big bang, the experience was very good. The hosts were very nice, accommodating, the room was fresh and the bathroom was very spacious.
Although very well located and the hosts were extremely kind, the room did not live up to our expectations. It was hot, the A/C was not working properly and made quite a racket, the shower was not very clean and it was a bit on the streaky side.
Very good service, location and overall experience. People were kind, the room was spacious, modern and clean.
Avis des familles d'accueil
Paula n'a pas encore reçu d'avis.