Colm Hanratty

Colm Hanratty

Colm first got the travel bug when he went to Australia in 1999 on a working holiday visa. Since then he hasn’t looked back. He travelled all around Australia in 2000, and over the following years visited many major European cities, glaciers in South America, ski resorts in North America, safaris in South Africa, islands in South East Asia and everything in between. He once visited every continent other than Antarctica in less than 2 years! When he gets to a destination he likes to dig deep, discovering local secrets, top tips and doing everything he can to experience a destination like a local.

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Written by Colm Hanratty

Verstecktes Rom- 10 Dinge, von denen Sie evtl. noch nichts gehört haben

Jeder kennt die bekanntesten Touristenattraktionen in Rom aber kennen Sie die unbekannten? Finden Sie die versteckten Schätze von Rom mit unserem Reiseführer.

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